struct dirent和DIR结构体
#include <dirent.h>
2、struct dirent 结构
struct dirent
long d_ino; /* inode number 索引节点号 */
off_t d_off; /* offset to this dirent 在目录文件中的偏移 */
unsigned short d_reclen; /* length of this d_name 文件名长 */
unsigned char d_type; /* the type of d_name 文件类型 */
char d_name [NAME_MAX+1]; /* file name (null-terminated) 文件名,最长255字符 */
3、DIR 结构
struct __dirstream
void *__fd; /* `struct hurd_fd' pointer for descriptor. */
char *__data; /* Directory block. */
int __entry_data; /* Entry number `__data' corresponds to. */
char *__ptr; /* Current pointer into the block. */
int __entry_ptr; /* Entry number `__ptr' corresponds to. */
size_t __allocation; /* Space allocated for the block. */
size_t __size; /* Total valid data in the block. */
__libc_lock_define (, __lock) /* Mutex lock for this structure. */
typedef struct __dirstream DIR;
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